Results for 'Fereshte Abolhasani Niaraki'

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    Theory of Friendship and Love in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Opinions: Egoism or Altruism, a False Dichotomy?Fereshte Abolhasani Niaraki - 2025 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (2).
    _The article analyses the concept of “self-love” comparing it with ethical and psychological egoism, selfishness, and as well as it's inclusiveness of love for others. According to the hypothesis of this article, __Mullā __Ṣ__adrā Shīrāzī’s __special metaphysical and anthropological foundations provide a comprehensive rationale for synthesizing self-love and love for others. This is in harmony with his definition and criteria of love. The narrative, grounded in principles such as the principality of existence, analogical gradation, cognation of cause and effect, manifestation, (...)
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